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Application of aerospace manufacturing tool

Time : 2011/1/15 Hits : 10359 Font : Small Medium Larger [back]
With the development of aerospace manufacturing, leaf, plate shaft, casing a large number of other major structural components manufactured using new materials difficult to machine, the efficient processing of difficult materials has been the subject of corporate research.
    Aerospace companies in the high-performance tool used to make aviation industry machining technology are developing rapidly, but bought the tool easy to make good use of the tool difficult. Aviation manufacturing cost efficiency of the tool become a top priority.
    Parts of typical aerospace manufacturing tool type
    Aerospace parts and components not only adopted many new structures, new technology and new materials, and complex part geometries, less rigid, these factors have contributed to the engine and other parts machining performance criteria must be extensive use of tools and special tools for processing.
    Currently, engine parts plate, shaft parts, casing parts processing outsourcing standard carbide cutting tools and high-performance carbide significant proportion of non standard tools. Typical small components, parts, etc. leaves the standard tool-based. In practice, the choice of the main processing tool to consider the following factors: the workpiece material, workpiece shape, processing requirements, machine tools, system rigidity, surface quality and technical requirements. The turbine casing parts, for example, analysis of material from the workpiece, deformation temperature alloys, high temperature alloy casting a large number of difficult materials used. Thermal conductivity of these materials difficult to machine smaller than the strength, cutting temperatures are high, easy to produce hardening. Cutting tool wear fast, Tool life is short, the tool consumed in large quantities and therefore must be selected tool geometry. Structure from the work point of view, thin wall, rigid poor, difficult to process.
    Convex part of the processing components, the tool system is easy and parts, fixture interference. It is necessary to optimize the tool path, as with a plug instead of side milling milling and air knives travel fast walking, carrying knives optimal position, using spiral interpolation for milling and other methods. From the choice of machine tools for high-power turbine casing machining centers need to machine. Processing operations from the analysis, the receiver need to go through roughing, semi finishing, finishing. Tools in order to save costs, in the manufacture of such parts, when you can use high-performance ceramic cutter roughing, semi-finishing and finishing when the standard non-standard high-performance carbide cutting tools and cutting tools, this can significantly improve production efficiency . From the economic aspects of processing, the need to continually improve the tool configuration, maximize the use of newly developed products business tool.
    Manufacturing tool materials commonly used in aerospace
    Aerospace hard to machine materials with a wide range of applications, how to properly select cutting tool materials, reduce processing costs, improve productivity is a very important issue. Cutting tool and workpiece materials to mechanical properties, physical properties, chemical properties match.
    As the technology and machine tool technology, combined with each other, workpiece material and tool material and promote each other, the continuous development of aerospace manufacturing. Tool material can be said that the development is the development of aerospace industry the driving force. Now widely used in aerospace manufacturing tool material grades up to a thousand, according to division of tool materials, confined to the following categories: tool steel (carbon tool steel, alloy tool steel, HSS), carbide , ceramics and superhard cutting tool materials. Carbon tool steel suitable for manufacture of hand tools, carbon tool steel T10A and T12A wider application.
    Aviation industry, the largest share of carbide cutting tools. Carbide cutting tools in the aviation manufacturing is the dominant tool, is a wide range of applications, in NC the dominant tool material. Yingzhigejin become a major tool material, to achieve the machining time to Yingzhigejin transition carbide due to the different performance characteristics of different grades, so its application is different. Carbide is not only a variety of machines used in the manufacture of indexable cutting tools folder, and can make the whole end mills, reamers, taps and drills and so on. Carbide tools divided into ordinary carbide, coated carbide, carbide ultrafine particles, carbon (nitrogen) of the titanium based alloy.
    YT type carbide YG classes and YW classes with most of excellent performance, used widely in the aviation industry. Coated carbide higher than the matrix hardness, wear resistance, heat resistance, widely used. Ultrafine particles in a wide range of carbide can be used in interrupted cutting. C (N) titanium-based alloy is mainly used for continuous steel surface finishing and semi-finishing.
    The application of ceramic tool is currently still in its infancy, the slow development of practical applications. Ceramic tool is mainly used for cutting the workpiece carbide cutting tools is difficult to rough. Aviation industry to promote the use of ceramic tool is not long, the geometric parameters of the ceramic cutting tools, cutting and the use of technology, need to accumulate experience. Compared with the carbide ceramic materials, ceramic materials with higher hardness, thermal hard and wear resistance. Chemical stability of ceramic cutting tools, carbide were better than antioxidant capacity, ideal for continuous high-speed dry cutting high temperature alloys, hardened gang, bearing steel, high strength steel and other difficult to machine materials. Application of high-temperature alloys in aircraft engine much shafts offer more ceramic tool is the place to play to their strengths. Efficient processing, to replace some ceramic tool carbide cutting tools, is feasible. Ceramic tool is not a universal tool, and only proper use to its full advantage.
    Given the characteristics of ceramic cutting tools, selection must pay attention to three aspects: ① To select a good system rigidity, vibration of the tool can effectively prevent damage and improve tool life. ② To prevent the impact of the tool parts. On the hardness and rough irregular shape shall be the source of the first chamfer cut and cut and then cutting. ③ tool geometry parameters to be optimized, often used ceramic tool rake angle of zero or negative rake angle cutting. We need to fully grasp the workpiece material on the basis of performance and take appropriate measures to make the cutting process to achieve high-quality, high efficiency, low cost.
    Aero-engine technology enterprises to improve cutting tool, the cost of measures to reduce tool
    (1) change their ideas, grasp the direction of the latest developments in cutting technology
    Play import tool and domestic tools, standard tools and non-standard tool their own advantages, give full play to the level of equipment processing capacity, a targeted selection of tool suppliers. Thread cutter knives and other complex tools can be used to reduce the domestic cost, to ensure quality. Aerospace engine parts (such as the disk shaft, casing pieces) complex shape, surface integrity requirements are high, cutting technology needs has been increasing. New tools are emerging, making the cutting speed continues to increase. We should learn from European countries, the use of advanced tools that have high-speed, large feed, the idea of a small depth of cut, cutting ideas with the international integration of advanced research and development of advanced cutting technology.
    (2) to achieve the tool re-grinding, to reduce procurement costs
    In NC machining, tool damage not only affects the quality and efficiency of processing, but also may lead to serious machines and personal accident. Tool wear and the damage has broken both cases processing product, the tool by cutting forces, the role of cutting heat and friction will gradually wear or damage, the final loss of cutting ability.
    With the tool wear, workpiece machining accuracy is also decreased gradually, gradually the machined surface becomes rough. Tool wear to a certain extent can not continue to use or they will reduce the size of the workpiece accuracy and surface quality, the tool will also increase the consumption and processing costs. Aero-engine business should be based on production characteristics, the development tool for grinding the enterprise technology standards, in strict accordance with technical standards for tool grinding, grinding of cutting tools and the quality of the situation after the coating track. In practical application process, the back grinding tool cost efficiency results are quite remarkable, if an engine manufacturer, purchased with carbide tool grinding cutter, drill bits, reamers, reamer, and complex tool-based . Outsourcing may be re-grinding on hard alloy cutter about fifty or sixty thousand handles, these tools may also continue after re-grinding by use of the tool cost savings are also considerable.
    (3) to strengthen the basis of training, implementation, engineering talent from overseas
    Strengthen the technical and operational techniques in the cutting, tool selection, tool use and other aspects of training to enhance their tool selection, the ability of a knife is the premise of cost efficiency.
    Established for technicians and operators in their choice of tools, especially the alternative as a reference in the cutting tool database to meet the strong demand for machinery manufacturing site is the basis of cost efficiency. To know ourselves and aerospace manufacturers, high-performance tool must be suitable for the use of part materials, production equipment must be compatible with the site. Introducing Intelligence aviation manufacturing enterprises should implement projects to promote the tool to their regular training suppliers, the use of the tool business advantage of existing mature technologies to the enterprises. This can achieve win-win situation, but also allows enterprises with advanced cutting tool engineer the concept and master the world of advanced cutting technologies. End enterprise manufacturing level by leaps and bounds.
    In short, the aircraft engine business with the idea of cutting the continuous improvement, will lead the high-end trend of cutting technology for the aviation industry to create a timeless classic.
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